WP Плагин: "All Meta Tags

An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom meta tags to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.
This is a must have tool for authors and website’s owners. Its purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress users. There is no need for any more editing of the files of your theme or plugins for to add custom meta tags. Just add your ID (the meta key “content” value from your verification code) or/and the URL to the social media profile of the publisher in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you. It will automatically add required meta tags to the head section of your website, without changing any of your theme files and without slowing down your website. This is really useful in case of updating theme or plugins, because your meta tags would never be overwritten. Your meta tags will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme and plugins.
The plugin works completely independently of the theme, so you can use it with any theme. The meta tags added via this plugin will be entirely unaffected if you edit the contents of the theme’s files, or even completely change the theme. This is really useful in case of updating theme or plugins, because your custom meta tags would never be overwritten. Your custom meta tags will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme and plugins.
Third-party services like Google Webmaster Tools, Alexa, Pinterest and Google+ require you to verify your domain. This makes sure that you are the correct owner of your blog or store before they provide their services to you. You can use this plugin to easily verify your website or domain and get a more effective and efficient sharing results. Example with Pinterest. Once you completed the verification process, people will see a checkmark next to your domain in your Pinterest profile and in pinner search results. That check mark emphasis you have confirmed the ownership of your blog or website on Pinterest. This will help your website to rank better in google and other search engines. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin. “All Meta Tags” is a simple but effective SEO plugin.
Also you can use this plugin to add required meta tags such as Author, Designer, Contact, Copyright and Keywords in everywhere on your website (It adds the required meta tags to the header of all pages on your website) or the meta Description and Keywords only for Static Home Page or the meta Description and Keywords only for Blog Page.
If you want more options, then let us know and we will be happy to add them.
- Лёгкий и быстрый
- Безопасный код с применением чётких стандартов кодирования
- Интуитивно понятный интерфейс с множеством настроек
- Кросс-браузерная совместимость (работает гладко в любом современном браузере)
- Совместим с всеми WordPress темами
- Совместим с RTL (справа налево)
- Переведён на русский язык
- Опубликовано на WordPress.org
Текущие возможности:
- Google+ publisher link
- Facebook publisher meta tag
- Twitter publisher meta tag
- Pinterest verification meta tag
- Alexa verification meta tag
- Norton Safe Web verification meta tag
- Google Web Master Tools verification meta tag
- Bing Web Master Tools verification meta tag
- Yandex Web Master Tools verification meta tag
- Web of Trust (WOT) verification meta tag
- Custom meta tags
- Google Shopping (Merchant Center) structured data on WooCommerce product pages
- Meta tag with name=”author”
- Meta tag with name=”designer”
- Meta tag with name=”contact”
- Meta tag with name=”copyright”
- Meta tag with name=”description” (Global, only for Static Home Page and only for Blog Page)
- Meta tag with name=”keywords” (Global, only for Static Home Page and only for Blog Page)
- Google Analytics verification meta tag
- SpecificFeeds.com verification meta tag
- Meta tag with name=”creator”
- Meta tag with name=”publisher”
- Meta tag with name=”language”
- Страница плагина:
This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. But If your language is not available then you can make one. It is also possible that not all existing translations are up to date, so you are welcome to make corrections. Many of plugin users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your contribution!
If you want to help translate this plugin, please visit the translation page. You can also use the POT file that is included and placed in the languages
folder to create a translation PO file. Just send the PO file to us and we will include this translation within the next plugin update.
Этот плагин является программным обеспечением с открытым исходным кодом, лицензириованный с помощью GNU General Public License, версии 3 (GPLv3) и распространяется бесплатно.
Коммерческое лицензирование (например, для проектов которые не могут использовать лицензии с открытым исходным кодом) предоставляется по запросу.
Краткая инструкция
- Upload “All Meta Tags” to the
directory. - Activate the plugin through the
menu in WordPress. - Go to
→ “Meta Tags Inserter”.
Разработка плагинов это сложная и tedious работа. Если вы получаете выгоду или просто наслаждаетесь этим плагином то, пожалуйста, выделите время на:
- Пожертвование для поддержки продолжающейся разработки. Мы будем благодарны вам за ваш вклад.
- Поставьте оценку и оставьте отзыв об этом плагине.
- Поделитесь с нами или посмотрите GitHub Репозиторий если у вас есть идеи или предложения для того, что бы сделать этот плагин лучше.
Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at arthurgareginyan.com.