How to add an app-ads.txt file to a website

Google strongly recommend that we use an ads.txt
and app-ads.txt
files. This files can help protect our brand from counterfeit inventory that’s intentionally mislabelled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and add an app-ads.txt file to your website.
Note! These instructions describe how to create an
file for Google publishers. Non-Google publishers should contact their SSP or exchanges.
This article is about the
file. For information about theads.txt
file, I recommend reading another article.
What is app-ads.txt file?
Google strongly recommend that we use an ads.txt
and app-ads.txt
files. This files can help protect our brand from counterfeit inventory that’s intentionally mislabelled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video. Declaring authorized sellers can help us receive advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward counterfeit inventory.
«Authorized Digital Sellers for Web», or «ads.txt», is an IAB initiative to improve transparency in programmatic advertising. You can create your own ads.txt files to identify who is authorized to sell your inventory. The files are publicly available and crawlable by exchanges, Supply-Side Platforms (SSP), and other buyers and third-party vendors.
«Authorized Sellers for Apps», or «app-ads.txt», is an extension to the Authorized Digital Sellers standard. It expands compatibility to support ads shown in mobile apps.
You can learn more about an ads.txt
and app-ads.txt
files at the following links:
- IAB Tech Lab: About ads.txt
- Google AdSense: Declare authorized sellers with ads.txt
- Google Ad Manager: Ads.txt management in Ad Manager
- Google AdMob: Overview of app-ads.txt
Let’s begin
Creating an app-ads.txt file for a website is a really easy process. To do this, we need to add an app-ads.txt
file to the root level of our domain (for example,
). Now, step by step guide.
Create a text (.txt
) file named app-ads.txt
on your computer (we will move this file later) by using any text editor.
Note! If you have the Mac computer then just use the TextEdit app that ships with every macOS in order to create this file. Save the file in the
Include the following line in the app-ads.txt
file you just created:, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f088c47fec942fa0
Important! Make sure you replace
with your own publisher ID.
Note! You can easily get your personalized code snippet from AdMob by following these steps:
a) Sign in to your AdMob account at
b) ClickApps
in the sidebar.
c) ClickView all apps
d) Click theapp-ads.txt
e) ClickHow to set up app-ads.txt
Place your app-ads.txt
file to the root directory of your website. Make sure you save the file.
You can do this by using cPanel or accessing your server via FTP or SFTP. If you aren’t sure how usually your web hosting provider will have instructions somewhere on their website.
Finally, you can visit your website and verify that you have the app-ads.txt
file now. For example,
That’s it, you’re done. Now you have added an app-ads.txt file to your website. So simple isn’t it?
Changes require some time and do not take effect immediately. Patiently wait for Google to check if the app-ads.txt
file is added correctly.
I hope this article has helped you learn how to create and add an app-ads.txt file to your website. If this article has helped you then please leave a comment
Thanks for reading!
Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at