Category: Our Software
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Our Software 30
WP Plugin: Custom Code Manager PRO
“Custom Code Manager PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom code (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “Custom Code Manager”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of fields for snippets, Separate activation and deactivation of snippets, and Automatic backup of snippets to a file. Another advantage is the ability to customize the code editor. You can choose from a variety of color schemes for syntax highlighting, choose whether to show line numbers or not, and much more.
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WP Plugin: Custom Code Manager
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom code (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.
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WP Plugin: Social Media Follow Buttons Bar PRO
“Social Media Follow Buttons Bar PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily add the smart bar with social media follow buttons to any place (post, page, widget, sidebar, footer) of your WordPress website. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “Social Media Follow Buttons Bar”. More features, more power. Up to 10 buttons bar instances, Separate settings for buttons bars, and much more.
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WP Plugin: JavaScript Inserter PRO
“JavaScript Inserter PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom JavaScript code to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “JavaScript Inserter”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of fields for snippets, Separate activation and deactivation of snippets, and Automatic backup of snippets to a file. Another advantage is the ability to customize the code editor. You can choose from a variety of color schemes for syntax highlighting, choose whether to show line numbers or not, and much more.
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WP Plugin: Head and Footer Scripts Inserter PRO
“Head and Footer Scripts Inserter PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom HTML code (plus JavaScript, CSS, etc.) to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “Head and Footer Scripts Inserter”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of fields for snippets, Separate activation and deactivation of snippets, and Automatic backup of snippets to a file. Another advantage is the ability to customize the code editor. You can choose from a variety of color schemes for syntax highlighting, choose whether to show line numbers or not, and much more.
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WP Plugin: JavaScript Inserter
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom JavaScript code in the head or/and footer section of your website.
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WP Plugin: My Syntax Highlighter PRO
“My Syntax Highlighter PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that provides a simple way for embedding syntax-highlighted source code within pages or posts on your website, without losing it’s formatting or making any manual changes. Supporting 154 programming languages, 125 shortcodes and 56 themes. The syntax highlighting feature implemented via a CodeMirror library. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Syntax Highlighter”. More features, more power.
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WP Plugin: Syntax Highlighter for Post/Page HTML Editor
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that replaces the default Post & Page HTML/Text Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Post & Page HTML/Text Editor is great for doing some custom changes to HTML markup of your post/page, although it is rather limited. This is where the “Syntax Highlighter for Post/Page HTML Editor” can help. With an enhanced HTML/Text editor you can see a code with syntax highlighting, and with line numbering, so you can easily read your HTML markup and detect any errors.
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WP Theme: Simple Notepad
We designed this premium WordPress theme for your personal blogs and diaries. This theme is perfect for writers and artists. “Authors Notepad” can be easily customized and already translated to different languages. It utilizes latest HTML-5, CSS-3, PHP and WordPress native functions for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser. We are constantly adding new features to this theme to allow you to personalize it to your own needs. If you want a new feature or just want to be able to change something just ask us and we would be happy to add it. We are glad to present you this premium theme. Enjoy!
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WP Theme: Authors Notepad
We designed this premium WordPress theme for your personal blogs and diaries. This theme is perfect for writers and artists. “Authors Notepad” can be easily customized and already translated to different languages. It utilizes latest HTML-5, CSS-3, PHP and WordPress native functions for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser. We are constantly adding new features to this theme to allow you to personalize it to your own needs. If you want a new feature or just want to be able to change something just ask us and we would be happy to add it. We are glad to present you this premium theme. Enjoy!
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WP Plugin: RSS Feed Icon
An easy to use and lightweight WordPress plugin that lets you easily add the RSS feed icon by using a simple shortcode in any place of your website, such as: header, post content , page content, sidebar and/or footer. RSS feed icon allows your visitors to receive messages from your Blog/RSS feed by email.
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WP Plugin: My Custom Styles PRO
“My Custom Styles PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom CSS code to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Custom Styles”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of fields for snippets, Separate activation and deactivation of snippets, and Automatic backup of snippets to a file. Another advantage is the ability to customize the code editor. You can choose from a variety of color schemes for syntax highlighting, choose whether to show line numbers or not, and much more.
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WP Plugin: My Custom Functions PRO
“My Custom Functions PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom PHP code to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Custom Functions”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of fields for functions, Separate activation and deactivation of functions, and Automatic backup of functions to a file. Another advantage is the ability to customize the code editor. You can choose from a variety of color schemes for syntax highlighting, choose whether to show line numbers or not, and much more.
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Privacy Policy Template
This Privacy Policy Template is covers the general privacy concerns and regulations. I hope you find it useful and a good starting point in compiling your own privacy policy for use on your own website or app. Feel free to add stuff that I haven’t added, and remove stuff that you don’t like. If there are ways that I can do things better, you should absolutely report issues or send me a pull request because I love them so much.
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WP Plugin: My Syntax Highlighter
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that provides a simple way for embedding syntax-highlighted source code within pages or posts on your website, without losing it’s formatting or making any manual changes. Supporting 13 languages, 16 shortcodes and 36 themes. The syntax highlighting feature implemented via a CodeMirror library.
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WP Plugin: Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that replaces the default Theme and Plugin Source Code Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Theme Editor (in Appearance => Editor) and Plugin Editor (in Plugins => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your Themes or Plugins files, although it is rather limited. This is where the “Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor” can help. With an enhanced source code editor you can see a code with syntax highlighting, and with line numbering, so you can easily read your code and detect any errors.
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WP Plugin: Simple Scroll to Top Button
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to add a “Scroll to Top” button to your website in a simple and elegant way. This button appears at the bottom-right of the website once the visitors scrolls down a page on your website. It appears only when visitors scroll down the webpage. As a result, your website visitors can easily scroll smoothly back to the very top of a page with one click of the button. This can be particularly handy for pages with a lot of text/content, or in cases wherever a browser’s scrollbar is just not good enough (or not present at all, like on tablets) to enable one-click, one-screen scrolling. This gives your website better navigation and also adds a more professional look to your website.
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WP Plugin: Best Preloader
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to add the preloader (animated loading screen indicator) to your website in a simple and elegant way.
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WP Plugin: Head and Footer Scripts Inserter
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom HTML code (plus JavaScript, CSS, etc.) in the head or/and footer section of your website.
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WordPress Download Button
The WordPress download button is a special button which are linked to file in repository of your software at In this article you will learn how to add a dark with gradient WordPress download active button to your website or blog, using just code (HTML, CSS & SVG data), without any image files. The design of button and WordPress icon will be generated by code.
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WP Plugin: Social Media Follow Buttons Bar
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily add the smart bar with social media follow buttons to any place (post, page, widget, sidebar, footer) of your WordPress website.
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GitHub Fork Button
The GitHub fork button is a special button which are linked to repository of your software at In this article you will learn how to add a GitHub fork button to your website’s or blog’s post, using just code (HTML, CSS & SVG), without any images files. The design of button and GitHub icon will be generated by code.
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WP Plugin: All Meta Tags
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom meta tags to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.
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WP Plugin: My Custom Styles
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom CSS code to your WordPress website, directly out of your WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.
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WP Plugin: “RSS Feed Icon for
An easy to use and lightweight WordPress plugin that lets you easily add RSS feed icon which connected to with the shortcode in any place of your website.
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SSL Certificate automatically by a BASH script
To quickly and easily create a self-signed SSL certificate for Web servers Apache and Nginx I wrote a little script in “BASH”.
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Google Chrome Theme “White Knight”
Continue reading →Some time ago, for web-surfing, I used Google Chromium Web browser (open-source version of Chrome). Then I created the theme “White Knight”, now I want to share it.
WP Plugin: My Custom Functions
An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom PHP code for execution in the WordPress environment directly out of your WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.
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Recursively replace spaces with underscores in file and directory names
A safe solution to recursively replace spaces with underscores in file and directory names starting from the current directory.
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WP Theme: Anarcho Notepad
Inspired by the idea of anarchy, we designed this free WordPress theme for your personal blogs and diaries. This theme is perfect for writers and artists. “Anarcho Notepad” can be easily customized and already translated to different languages. It utilizes latest HTML-5, CSS-3, PHP and WordPress native functions for creating the awesomeness that looks good on every browser. We are constantly adding new features to this theme to allow you to personalize it to your own needs. If you want a new feature or just want to be able to change something just ask us and we would be happy to add it. We are glad to present you the Most Anarchist WP-Theme Of All! Enjoy!
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