Category: Web
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Web 29
How to easily run an HTTP server on macOS 14 Sonoma
Running a local server is essential for web development, allowing you to preview your projects in a web browser. Python’s built-in HTTP server is a straightforward solution for this. In this article, I’ll guide you through setting up a convenient function in your
Continue reading →.zshrc
file to run a Python HTTP server effortlessly on macOS 14 Sonoma. -
How to view the value of Bootstrap datetimepicker in Firefox Inspector
Bootstrap’s datetimepicker is an incredibly useful tool for web developers, offering a sleek and interactive way to handle date and time inputs. However, developers sometimes face challenges when trying to inspect these input values using browser tools like the Firefox Inspector. This article describes a simple yet effective method to view the real-time value of an input element managed by Bootstrap’s datetimepicker using Firefox’s Developer Tools.
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How to fix: UFW blocking Internet access on devices connected to Proxy with WireGuard
Ever tried combining a transparent proxy with a WireGuard VPN client, aiming to secure all local traffic through a remote VPS, only to find that enabling UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) breaks Internet connectivity? If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. This article unpacks the complexities and offers a simple solution, often overlooked in UFW’s default settings.
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Securing your home server: Obtaining an SSL certificate for servers not exposed to the Internet
You’ve set up a nifty home server, perfect for hosting your internal dashboards, file storage, or even your personal blog. There’s just one hiccup—your server isn’t accessible from the Internet. How then do you secure it with an SSL certificate? Fear not! I’ve found myself in a similar situation, and I’ve got a surefire solution for you. In this article, we’ll explore how to use Certbot and the DNS challenge method to get an SSL certificate for a home server that’s not publicly accessible.
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How to properly install Certbot and Certbot-DNS-Cloudflare on Ubuntu and similar OSs
In the era of cybersecurity, SSL certificates serve as the cornerstone of web security, ensuring encrypted communication between servers and clients. Certbot simplifies this by automating the acquisition and deployment of SSL certificates, while its plugin, Certbot-DNS-Cloudflare, streamlines the DNS validation process for domains managed through Cloudflare. From this article, you will learn how to properly install Certbot and the Certbot-DNS-Cloudflare plugin on Ubuntu and similar operating systems.
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How to beautify code using the atom-beautify plugin for GitHub Atom app
Code readability is a cornerstone of software development. A well-formatted code base makes it easier to read, understand, and maintain the software. That’s where code beautification tools like the
Continue reading →atom-beautify
plugin for GitHub’s Atom editor come into play. This article will guide you through the steps to beautify your code using this powerful plugin. -
How to integrate a Google Search or DuckDuckGo search box into the Homer Dashboard
In the modern age of digitization, dashboards have become a vital part of system monitoring and management. The Homer dashboard is widely used to create simple and flexible dashboards from static configuration. Sometimes, a user may wish to embed a search engine directly into the dashboard. This article explains how to integrate a Google Search or DuckDuckGo search box, enhancing the functionality and user experience of your Homer dashboard.
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How to install Google Chrome on macOS
Recently, I discovered that the two web browsers that I use every day are not enough for me and I decided to install a third one. I was needed Google Chrome to complete a task that could not be done with other web browsers. In this article, I will show you how to install Google Chrome in macOS :) Let’s begin.
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How to know the creation date of GitHub repository
Have you ever wondered when a GitHub repository was created? I was very surprised when I realized that GitHub does not display the repository creation date anywhere on the website. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to know the creation date of any GitHub repository.
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How to install Command line tools for Xcode
If you decide to become an Apple developer (develop for Apple platforms), the first thing you’ll need is Xcode. Xcode includes everything you need to create amazing applications for all Apple platforms. In this article, I will show you how to install Command line tools for Xcode in macOS. Let’s begin.
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How to download from
Registered at the
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website, you became a member of the developer club, got access to various opportunities that are necessary develop for Apple platforms. Now it remains to figure it out how to download tools to create cool products. In this article, I’ll show you how to search and download files at
website, on the example of the “Command Line Tools for Xcode” DMG file. Let’s begin. -
How to register at
Registered at the website
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you become a member of the developer club, get access to various opportunities that are necessary develop for Apple platforms. In this article, I’ll show you how to register
with a few simple steps. Let’s begin. -
How to install tools for working with Jekyll on macOS
Recently, I decided to transfer all my websites based on a combination of Jekyll + GitHub + GitHub Pages, from fully automatic building with capabilities of GitHub Pages hosting to manual building on my laptop MacBook Pro with macOS Catalina 10.15. In this article I will show you how to install in macOS the tools necessary for local work with websites built on the Jekyll platform. Let’s begin.
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How to update Pi-hole to the latest version
Pi-hole is a fantastic product for your home network that allows ad blocking at the network level. I thought that it is updated in the same way as all other parts of the system; using the
Continue reading →sudo apt-get update
and thensudo apt-get upgrade
. But when I logged into my Pi-hole web interface yesterday, I saw a red message sayingPi-hole Version v4.3.1 (Update available!)
. So how do I update my Pi-hole? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to update Pi-hole software to the latest version. -
How to add an app-ads.txt file to a website
Google strongly recommend that we use an
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files. This files can help protect our brand from counterfeit inventory that’s intentionally mislabelled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and add an app-ads.txt file to your website. -
How to fix an ads.txt alert in Google AdSense account
When I logged into my Google AdSense account yesterday, I saw a red warning saying that one or more of my websites does not have an ads.txt file. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to solve this problem.
Speeding up your website using DNS prefetching technique
DNS prefetching is another way to enhance the performance of the front-end of a website. We can use it to tell the browser which assets (actually only the domain names where these assets are located) the user might need in the future — before they even need them. With it, the page loads faster, and users can achieve their goals as quickly as possible. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to speed up your website using DNS prefetching technique.
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How to delete discussion threads with incorrect URL in Disqus
The first time Disqus is loaded on a website page, the Disqus system automatically creates a new discussion thread and associates that discussion with the URL of the page used during that first load. This is an incredibly simple, user-friendly solution. However, there is a downside of automatically created discussion threads. Recently, in my Disqus Admin area, I noticed that there are many discussion threads that are a mistake because they contain incorrect URLs. In this tutorial, I will show you how I got rid of my website’s discussion threads with incorrect URL.
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How to filter a range of IP addresses in Google Analytics
Google Analytics is used to track how a visitors interact with our website. When our Google Analytics report contains data about internal and external traffic on our website, the statistics will be incorrect, as it is adversely affected by our own visits (internal traffic). This includes from our home, our office, and anywhere else we hit our website. It may also include our co-workers, or any member of our team. But we can stop Analytics from tracking our internal traffic by filtering our IP address.
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How to filter internal traffic in Google Analytics
Google Analytics is used to track how a visitors interact with our website. When our Google Analytics report contains data about internal and external traffic on our website, the statistics will be incorrect, as it is adversely affected by our own visits (internal traffic). This includes from our home, our office, and anywhere else we hit our website. It may also include our co-workers, or any member of our team. But we can stop Analytics from tracking our internal traffic by filtering our IP address.
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How to fix: fatal: Authentication failed for
After enabling a two-factor authentication in my GitHub account, when I run the Git
git push
command it throws the following error message:$ git push Username for '': Username Password for '': remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for ''
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Detect ad blocker and show a message to visitor of website
For many websites that publish content for free, ads are one of the primary sources for getting revenue. This revenue is spent for paying the expenses to run the website. Reduction of the displayed ads means less revenue. If you’re finding that the majority of your website’s visitors are blocking ads then you might want to try displaying a friendly message asking them to disable the ad blocker extension that they have installed in web browser. In this article I’ll show you how I detect the ad blockers and show the message to visitors of my website.
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The best place for publish and download icons + 50% Discount
Hello everyone! For any blog owner or web designer it’s important to know where to download quality resources: fonts, images, icons and more. Since I am not just a web designer, but also an illustrator, so for my projects I draw icons by myself. But sometimes, due to lack of time, I prefer to download already made icons. Today I’ll tell you about my favorite website where you can find free or premium icons for any taste and color. I’ll tell you about, which has the largest collection of premium icons in the world.
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Create HTML link that starts a Skype call
Nowadays most of the people use Skype, but not everyone knows that we can use an HTML link to launch Skype calls from your web browser or emails. Today I’ll show how to add a Skype “Call Me” button to your website or blog and let people get in touch with just the click of a button. Whether they’re on a computer or mobile, they will get through with a voice call or an instant message.
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Add icon-fonts to Adobe Muse website
The beauty of icon-fonts is that they are in essence, fonts. Which means they can be used much like any other piece of text. Unlike images they can have their colour changed easily, can be scaled and are lightweight in download terms. And they are fully responsive and retina friendly. The huge choice available at Font Awesome, Bootstrap and Google font icons means that you should find the exact graphic you are looking for and when combined with other muse assets you can quickly and easily build buttons, graphics and widgets. In this article you’ll learn how to use and customize the Font Awesome, Bootstrap and Google font icons in any Muse website.
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Safari's and Chrome's default styles for HTML5 search input
The new HTML5 form input types save me tons of work on form validation, and they’ll assist your users in filling them (by providing more in-browser features, alternate keyboard layouts and more). It works great, but unfortunately, the Safari and Chrome browsers uses their own default stylsheet for this inputs, and so you can’t style (add a CSS properties) the search input yourself. I didn’t need this in-browser style for my search input, because I want to add my own CSS properties to search input, so after some searching, I discovered the below solution.
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How to generate an Envato Marketplace API key
In this tutorial I show you how to generate an Envato Marketplace API key. This API can be used for various things, like:
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Configuring a GoDaddy domain name with GitHub pages
GitHub Pages is an incredibly simple, user-friendly solution for hosting a simple personal website. By default the address will be
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. Below, I’ll explain how I set up my user page with my own domain name that registered trough -
JavaScript with the attribute “CF-Hash” mysteriously added to a source code
I just noticed that one of my articles on the website has a strange JavaScript code added to my raw code that I show in article.
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